The Week Ahead: Canadian inflation data, BoC Business Outlook Survey

Monday, January 16

  • Notable data: Construction Investment, Manufacturing Sales & Orders, New Motor Vehicle Sales, Existing Home Sales, MLS Home Price Index
  • 1030: BoC Business Outlook Survey and Survey of Consumer Expectations (Q4)
  • Note: U.S. Markets are closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday, January 17

  • Notable data: Housing Starts, Consumer Price Index, International Securities Transactions, Empire State Manufacturing Survey
  • Notable earnings: Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, United Airlines, Goodfood Market Corp.

Wednesday, January 18

  • Notable data: Industrial Product and Raw Materials Price Indices, U.S. Retail Sales, U.S. Producer Price Index, U.S. Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization, NAHB Housing Index, Business Inventories, Beige Book
  • Notable earnings: Charles Schwab, Alcoa, Kinder Morgan

Thursday, January 19

  • Notable data: Wholesale Trade, U.S. Initial Jobless Claims, U.S. Housing Starts & Building Permits, Philadelphia Fed Index
  • Notable earnings: Richelieu Hardware, Procter & Gamble, Netflix

Friday, January 20

  • Notable data: Retail Sales, U.S. Existing Home Sales
  • Notable earnings: Schlumberger